Welcome to the blog
Check out some of my recent work or what my family has been up to over on the blog below.
The Thompson Family | Family Session
This session has me ready for springtime and sunshine! We had an absolutely beautiful day to capture 5-month-old Jase's Easter pictures and family photos!
Kevin + Abby | Lifestyle Session
I made a top secret trip last week for a very special session!
I couldn't be more ecstatic for these sweet friends of mine welcoming their very first baby this September. Congratulations, Abby and Kevin! Baby Williams is so blessed to have you as parents!
Jake + Brittany | Lifestyle Session
When Brittany first contacted me about capturing an in-home lifestyle session for her, I couldn't say YES fast enough! If you've ever had the pleasure of meeting Jake and Brittany then you know it is impossible to be around them without an abundance of laughter and smiles. This couple is so full of life, joy, and love for one another. I'm so thankful that they invited me into their home to share a cozy cup of coffee on this cold, rainy Monday!